
Herbert Chung
Chinese Medicine Practitioner



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Traditional Chinese medicine Introduction

Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has developed over 3000 years and nowadays Chinese doctors have accumulated a lot of experience to cure different kind of sickness. Traditional Chinese medicine is different from western medicine in its concept and theory. We can not use the western medicine theory to apply on the TCM concept or it would be mysterious.
Traditional Chinese medicine possesses a unique theoretical system,rich clinical experience and excellent clinical effects. It is a few thousands years clinical results and get good practice and accumulated experience.
Traditional Chinese medicine dates back to ancient history and times,has a unique and profound theoretical system. The greater part of its terminology has particular denotation and is matter-of-factly difficult to understand and translate. We apologize and get your correction.

May TCM spread all over the world and get your respond leading to everyone under good health and enjoy a happy long life.

Best Regards,

Dr. Herbert Chung