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    Food Forbidden

    General Introduction

    The following foods are forbidden during therapy. Patients are recommended to have vegi diet that is less meat, oil and stimulating food.

    Categories English 中文
    Sea Foods Shrimp, Crab, Sea Water Fish, No Scale Sea water fish, No Scale fresh water fish (e.g. eel) 蝦、蟹、咸水魚、无鱗咸、无鱗淡水魚 (如: 白鱔)
    Meats Deep Fired Meat, Goose, Duck, 煎炸肉、烤鵝、烤鴨
    Vegetables Bamboo shoot, asparagus, Water convolvulus 竹笋、芦笋、蕹菜 ( 通心菜 )
    Fruits Pummelo, Tangerine, Pineapple, Mango, Banana, Durian 柚、橘子、菠蘿、芒菓、香焦、榴蓮
    others Glutinous Rice & food made from Glutinous flours ; Cold and Soft Drink 糯米及糯米制品; 凍及甜飲品

    During Cough, no orange, Pummelo, Tangerine and cold drinks. These foods will cause severe Cough and phlegm.



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